February 3, 10, 17, 24: Mission Quilters meet at 9:00 am at the white house. All ladies are welcome, no experience necessary.
February 5, 12, 19, 26: Pastor’s Wednesday’s Bible study. They meet every Wednesday at 10:00 am to study the upcoming reading for Sunday. Everyone is welcome.
February 5, 19: Confirmation class meets at 4:30 – 6:00 pm. Parents please make every effort to have your children at these important classes.
February 11: Braille- if you would like to help with this important mission project, please contact Gail Colvin.
February 20: LWML meets at 9:30. All women are welcome. The council meeting will meet at 3:00 pm. All Council Members are encouraged to be there.
February 14: Keenagers meet at 3:00 pm. Bring your favorite finger foods and games to play and join the fun. Valentines’ Day
February 15: All Church Members Breakfast and Workday 8:00 am.
February 20: The LWML will be hosting the Miami Zone LWML President, Beth Fredrick at 9:30 am. All ladies of the church are invited to attend. Beth will tell us about everything that is going on in our District. Please come and join us.
ALTAR/COMMUNION DUTY: We are still needing volunteers for Altar Duty. Please either sign sheet located in the narthex or contact Marcia Dow.
LWML SHOE DRIVE: The LWML would like to thank everyone for their generous donations of shoes during the month of January. We collected 89 pairs of shoes to help the Oklahoma District LWML. These shoes will be sent to foreign countries to enable entrepreneurs and families who need them.
ANNUAL Super Bowl Sunday Subs – The youth are selling Sub sandwiches on Sunday February 9th. The price is $13.00 and includes a 6” inch sub, chips & pop or bottled water. Order forms will be inserted in the bulletin and need to be turned in by Sunday February 2nd with payment (if possible). You can either place them in the offering plate or turn them in at the church office. Orders will be ready for pickup after church in the kitchen on February 9th. All proceeds benefit youth group activities. Have an easy lunch so you have more time to get ready for the Super Bowl! (More Order Forms will be available in the narthex if needed).
Youth Dinner and bowling – The youth will be going to Owasso on Friday evening, February 21st. We will be eating at a restaurant & bowling afterwards. Parents please have your youth dropped off at church by 6:30 pm. We will carpool together to and from Owasso. Pick-up time at the church will be at 10:00 pm. We look forward to a fun evening of good food & friendly competition.
For more information on all youth events please contact Michelle Smith.
ATTENTION ALL CHURCH MEMBERS – A draft copy of the church phone directory has been placed in the narthex. We are asking you to check your name, address, phone #, etc. to make sure all information is correct. We will be printing new phone books probably sometime in March and we would like to have everyone’s correct information. Make any corrections necessary under or beside your name. If everything is correct, please either write “OK” or place a check mark (√) by your name so we know you have reviewed. Thank you.
YEAR-END CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS – If you made any monetary contributions to the church during the year 2024, the year-end statements have been processed and placed in the mail boxes in the narthex. Please be sure to check your box and take it. If you are missing your statement and made contributions last year, contact the church office.