June 27, 2024, 6:00 AM

It was back in March, 1949 that Redeemer Lutheran Church formally organized (chartered) and sought to have The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod assign it a pastor.

In June, 1949, Henry C. Dequin of Detroit, Michigan, a graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, received and accepted the Call of Redeemer Lutheran to serve as its pastor. Dequin was ordained and installed on July 24, 1949, becoming the first full-time pastor of the congregation. On the next Sunday, Pastor Dequin preached his first sermon, “Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ” based on Romans 1:16-17.

On April 12, 1950 two lots at the corner of Fifth and Seminole, the current location of Redeemer Lutheran, were purchased for the future erection of a church building for the price of $2500.00.

With the assistance of the Oklahoma District Church Extension Board, the services of Donald McCormick, an architect from Tulsa were obtained in May, 1951. McCormick began drawing plans for a new structure including a nave, education wing, and office wing.

In February, 1952, the building contract was awarded to the Tulsa firm of McEvay and Farley at a cost of $1437.91. A loan of $16,500.00 from the Oklahoma District Church Extension Fund covered the cost of the building and the architect’s fee. The congregation assumed responsibility for the furnishing of the building.

Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on February 13, 1952. After the worship service, Pastor Dequin and the building committee – Harry Powers, Walter Schieslad, and Sy Vogt – each turned a spadeful of soil. 70 people were present for the service. A cornerstone, a gift of H. I. Van Nostrand of Tulsa, was laid on March 30, 1952. Into a box behind the stone were placed numerous items and list including a Bible, Luther’s Small Catechism, a copy of the congregation’s constitution, the history of the congregation, and more.

The farewell service in the congregation’s first building at Eighth and Weenonah was held on May 25, 1952. Services of dedication for the new church building was held on the Feast of Pentecost – June 1, 1952. 115 persons attended the morning service and 145 attended the afternoon service.

Pastor Dequin received and accepted a call to serve congregations in Ironton and Bismarck, Missouri. He conducted his farewell service on January 11, 1953.

We look back at these milestones from 75 years after Redeemer Lutheran’s charter – our “diamond” anniversary. Isaiah 62:3 includes the glorious promise: “You shall be…a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” We might claim those inspired words for ourselves, but we remain aware that such a lofty claim for ourselves is possible only because of what our Lord makes and calls us by His amazing grace toward us.